Friday, March 7, 2008

Letter 9

There are some very interesting ideas in the ninth letter, which are finally becoming visible to me with a better understanding of the concept of the book. They are talking about the patient experiencing a period they refer to as a trough which I could not figure out. I knew what a trough was from which horses drink, but I had not understood the first time I read through how they were applying this to a human life. The exploitation that Screwtape talks about this is scary. It makes sense that when a person is down and out, not feeling themselves, or experiencing a rough time in life, that they would be susceptible to corruption. Two things that he talks about using against humans are sex and drinking. Two things that should be good experiences, beautiful and just plain fun respectively. People can take them too far though. Sex should be reserved for love, not abused and used to try to make you feel better. Alcohol is in a way similar, that is should be used for celebrating and joyous occasions with others, but can be extremely destructive if used in situations of anguish and despair. Additionally two quotes that I particularly liked and I think speak a lot for the path our existence is taking are; “You have only got to keep him out of the way of experienced Christians (an easy task now-adays) … and “and don’t forget the blessed word ‘Adolescent.’”

1 comment:

jamm~en said...

I agree that sex and alcohol can become a bad habbit especially when a person is down and out or feeling trapped. Now days the devil has tricked some of our young people into believing that this is what they are suppose to do in order to have fun or to be normal.We need to teach them that sex is a wonderful shared event among two people that love and respect one another and drinking can be enjoyed through social events in moderation.