Friday, May 9, 2008

Screwtape Proposes a Toast

This encore by C.S. Lewis with a speech to the graduates of a new class of tempters covers many different topics and elaborates on the points that Screwtape wrote to his nephew about during his tempting.

One of the topics that I found interesting was about the number of "great sinners" growing fewer. I guess he sees this as being done by many powerful rulers of the world who did bad things in their countries being brought out of rule. But in place of these “great sinners” there are a number of shall we say “lesser sinners” who may impact people’s lives even more. These people include lower rulers who corrupt the areas they rule and more so movie stars and other celebrities. People see movie stars and really try to model their lives off of them. They watch every move they do and are obsessed with knowing what they are up to. They can have such a large influence on people, more so than they usually think. If all the people that watch them and attempt at modeling their lives off them influence the people close to them in their lives sooner rather that later we could have a world of sinners.

All in all this world is not getting rid of sin and temptation anytime soon and people need to evaluate what they are doing and seeing if it is really a good way to be acting.


Tylor said...

I wrote my blog on pretty much the same issue. The world really seems to be decreasing in the amount of people that are considered truly 'great sinners', while people follow celebrities who are bad influences such as Paris Hilton like a flock of sheep. Society really seems to have transitioned away from having a few, but quite sinister sinners to a gigantic amount of these so-called 'part-sinners'.

JBickley33 said...

You make a good point here. While there might not be as many "great sinners" in the world today, there is still a hefty amount of sin in the world today. People are trying to fit in and follow trends which aren't always right. Movie stars and celebrities, like Paris Hilton (thanks Tylor :-D) are really not positive role models and are in a sense "lesser sinners." However, they affect the masses in pretty detrimental ways, especially with all of the publicity they receive.

.agrigorian. said...

I really like when you discussed great sinners vs lesser sinners. I agree with you because I feel that wrong is wrong no matter what the size of the sin. There are so many people who committ 'lesser' sins daily and do not think it is the same as a murder. Although they may be 2 very different extremes, it is still a sin in God's eyes.