Friday, April 11, 2008

Chapter 21

After taking a little break last week I am back to talk about another rousing letter from Screwtape to his dear nephew Worwood. In this letter I hear Screwtape in an entirely different tone than I have throughout the rest of the book. I guess it is just that the content in which he is talking to Wormwood is quite different. It is not so much about outside influences, but more about the person. People are too often consumed with their own lives. Not to say that it is bad to think about oneself. One must be happy with them self in order to do good for anyone else. When these thoughts occur more and more often then they become destructive. They are bringing others down around them through their selfish acts.

While people are possessive about their time it is almost worse about their material things. They are often put on a level equal with God. This is just wrong. People talk about their possessions and just throw God’s name in the mix. They say it like he is just something they can come to when ever they want. People do not think about the how they do not have ownership over anything. People do not think about all their possessions actually being God’s, along with each person that lives on this earth. At least that is his dream that each person can be one of his. The relationship with God needs to be cultivated and then you may be able to speak of him more like a possession. This possession needs to be held in much higher regard than any earthly possession.

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