Friday, April 18, 2008

Letter 24

Letter 24 deals with an issue that I think may happen a lot even in contexts different but similar to how it is addressed here. Love can make people act and think in all sorts of ways. People will some times try to be someone they are not to please the one they are after. There are definitely varying degrees of this problem. Here we see the patient thinking that he belongs to a much higher class of society than he in reality he does. He is doing this because he has fallen so far into love that he has become ignorant to his surroundings. When one becomes so involved into their new group they often think that any other way of doing something is inferior to their new surrounding. They think that anyone else is not as good as them.

This belief, Screwtape, compares to thinkging that one’s religion is better than any other. They believe this in a way that is not loving and goes beyond doing good things for others. People are often rude to others. All the while thinking they are being this “cannot do anything wrong” holy person. They need to watch their communication skills and realize that not everyone is going to make the same efforts towards their relationship with God. This can be a very harmful thing to God. I hope these type of people can come to the realization that some people need to find their own way to God.


jamm~en said...

I agree with you when it comes to people losing themselves when it comes to being in love. Sometimes they forget who they are and try to become someone else to please the other person.
I also agree with you that everyone should find their own way. We have to see God for ourselves not for others.It pays to be yourself at all times and stay positive no matter what.

Farmer John said...

I agree, but one of the things that I wish he had elaborated on was the concept of holier than thou. Cliques and the like are common, but the overconfidence in on particular figure, be it a priest, holy man, or the like can often be as bad as confidence in the group.